Attending weekly services at RCC, whether in-person or online, is an important part of growing deeper in your faith, but that’s the starting point, not the goal. Our gatherings every week allow us to gather with fellow believers to worship and learn about God. In order to grow spiritually, we must daily commit to time with God and to spending time with other believers throughout the week.

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

-Acts 2:42 (NIV)



Would you like to learn more about the mission, values, and beliefs of RCC? We invite you to attend Welcome to RCC, which occurs once a month. This informative meeting is held in room 204 during 2nd service and is led by our Discipleship and Executive Pastor. Whether you are new to church, new to RCC, or ready to take the next steps on your spiritual journey, this is a great FIRST STEP! View the calendar for the next scheduled Welcome to RCC class. 


We want to help you publicly declare your faith in Jesus through baptism. Jesus is the purpose and reason behind everything we do and baptism is our outward, visible response to an internal transformation to follow Christ. God desires a relationship, not a rule follower.

Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

-Acts 2:38 (NIV)


A LifeGroup at RCC makes a big church seem small. Life change occurs in a community with authentic relationships that strive to know God more. LifeGroups at RCC are diverse, relational, and Bible-based and should resemble a family; young, old, married, single, and sometimes crazy uncle Tim.


We want to be a people that worship God not only with our words and songs but also with our financial resources. Jesus modeled the kind of generosity He wants for all of us, and giving is the primary way we acknowledge that God is first. When we put God in the driver’s seat with our time, energy, and finances we grow closer to Him while also partnering with Him in what He is doing in our community and around the world!


RCC relies on the faithful service of volunteers to fulfill the mission of the Church. Serving is one of the best ways to get connected to believers and to God. We would love to serve with you!

Growth Track
Growth Track is a four-step process to becoming fully engaged at RCC.

Welcome to RCC

Request Prayer

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